Recruiting PhD students!

Looking for students with a computer science or clinical background who are passionate about developing digital biomarkers in metabolic health using wearables and smartphones.


You will join the CSS Health Lab, a joint interdisciplinary lab of the University of St Gallen (HSG) and ETH Zurich, where we aim to make prevention of noncommunicable diseases successful. You will be co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Tobias Kowatsch and Prof. Dr. Elgar Fleisch.

Three PhD student applications due January 2024:

  1. Ph.D. Position: Validating Personalized Digital Biomarkers for Metabolic Health with Clinical Labs

  2. Ph.D. Position: Developing Personalized Digital Biomarkers for Metabolic Health with Wearables and Machine Learning

  3. Ph.D. Position: Personalized Prediction and Prevention of Dropouts in Digital Biomarker Studies (ETH)

Please email me ( or Prof. Dr. Tobias Kowatsch ( with any questions.